You’ve probably heard and read a lot about CBD oil lately. After all, everyone from your anxious co-worker to your arthritis-riddled dad and sleep-deprived mum friends, seem to be taking CBD in some form or another.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is believed to have therapeutic properties that help to treat all manner of health problems. It’s also considered an anti-inflammatory which is great for eczema and psoriasis flare-ups as well as acne, muscular injuries and general aches and pains.

Whilst the potential benefits of taking CBD oil are well known, most people question how the CBD will interact with their bodies and, more importantly, how it will make them feel.

Let’s take a closer look at what you can expect to feel after taking CBD oil.

What does CBD feel like?

It’s important to note CBD is not like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the compound responsible for the “high” sensation in marijuana.

When you use CBD oil, you will likely experience a subtle effect of calm and relaxation. But it often depends on what your brain and body need, as CBD can also be stimulating – boosting productivity and alertness.

The effects of CBD can be felt anywhere between 15 and 45 minutes.

In terms of mitigating symptoms, it can take a couple of days – possibly even weeks – of using CBD consistently to notice significant improvements.

How does CBD make you feel when taken in high doses?

Most people assume that using a higher strength CBD product equates to better effects – treating ailments faster. However, this is not the case.

The effects of CBD are biphasic, which means there’s a negative correlation between dose and potency. Exceed the sweet spot and the effects will weaken, and eventually stop.

Another problem when you take CBD oil in high doses is that it can affect your tolerance. To improve the product’s effectiveness, you’ll need to reset your tolerance to CBD by using a lower dose.

Does CBD oil give you a buzz?

Unlike THC, which activates the CB1 receptors in the brain and causes feelings of euphoria, CBD oil will not get you high.

This is because CBD blocks any intoxicating impact caused by the CB1 receptors.

Admittedly, high concentrations of CBD (more than the recommended dose) may result in an uplifting effect – but this is not the same as a “high”.

How long does it take to feel the effects of CBD?

Usually, the time it takes for CBD to kick in depends on the form of CBD you take (e.g. CBD oil, capsules, gummies, vapes, balms, etc).

Vaping CBD is the fastest way to get the cannabinoid into your bloodstream, allowing you to feel the effects within 5-10 minutes.

CBD oils, on the other hand, can take effect within 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the strength and method used. When taken sublingually – placing a couple of drops under the tongue – CBD absorbs into the bloodstream via the capillaries in the mouth, allowing you to benefit from CBD sooner.

Capsules and edibles will take substantially longer (up to 90 minutes), as they need to pass through the digestive system. Despite this, they’re ideal for delivering a slow and steady release of CBD.

What is the most effective way to use CBD oil?

The best way to start taking CBD oil is the sublingual method. Simply place a couple of drops directly under the tongue and hold it there for 1-2 minutes before swallowing.

If you’re not a fan of the earthy taste, you can always drink a cup of water to wash the remaining CBD down.

No matter how you intend to take CBD oil, it’s crucial that you use a top-quality product from a reputable brand, like ourselves at Peak Organics. All our CBD oils are made from natural ingredients and contain trace amounts of THC, if any.

As always, dosage recommendations can be found on the packaging of the product you buy and our team will be more than happy to answer your questions.

To speak with our team about CBD oil and the way it can make you feel, call us on 0333 043 9975.