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CBD Oil For High Blood Pressure

CBD Oil For Blood Pressure - Peak Organics

Have you ever considered taking CBD oil for high blood pressure? More and more people across the globe are taking CBD oil, and new applications of this incredible supplement are being researched all the time. One of the most recent avenues of research shows that CBD oil can be extremely beneficial for people with high blood pressure.

CBD (which is short for cannabidiol) is an active chemical compound which originates in the cannabis sativa plant. CBD is not at all intoxicating, as it does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive component that causes you to feel high.

CBD oil is therefore safe to use as a treatment for high blood pressure, and you’ll be able to go about your day as normal, without any feeling of intoxication.

How does CBD oil help with high blood pressure?

Firstly, it’s important to point out that there is nothing more effective than lifestyle change for getting high blood pressure under control. A healthy, balanced diet and exercise are always going to be the best thing for your arteries, and prevention is always better than cure!

However, if you’re already suffering with high blood pressure, and you’re interested in supplements to help in alleviating your symptoms, then CBD oil could be the answer.

Being totally upfront here – there is little evidence to show that CBD oil can treat high blood pressure occurring as a result of clogged arteries or blood clotting issues. However, there are several studies (including this one from 2020) that prove that CBD oil can be extremely beneficial if your high blood pressure is due to stress, anxiety, or increased heart rate in high-pressure situations.

The authors of the 2020 study suggest that CBD may improve blood flow because it has a vasodilatory effect, meaning that it widens the blood vessels. CBD oil is also proven to help with anxiety, which can lead to an increased heart rate.

The best way to take CBD for high blood pressure

As a natural vasodilator, CBD may help to improve your cardiovascular health by widening your blood vessels, allowing for smoother blood flow.

There are many ways to take CBD, including patches, edibles, skincare and vaping, but by far the best way to take CBD for high blood pressure is CBD oil.

This is because CBD oil is taken sublingually (under the tongue). Taken in this way, your body absorbs the CBD directly into your bloodstream. This means that the effects will be much swifter than with any method that requires the CBD to pass through your digestive system first. Additionally, much more of the dose will enter your bloodstream than if it had to pass through your gut.

We recommend using a single dose of our full spectrum CBD oil for high blood pressure once a day, and noting the effects on your blood pressure to determine the optimum dose for you.

Find out more about using CBD oil for high blood pressure today

Want to know more about using our CBD oil for high blood pressure? The friendly and knowledgeable team at Peak Organics is always happy to offer advice and guidance, so why not give us a call on 0333 043 9975?

Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected], send us a message using our online contact form, or visit us at one of our North West stores.

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